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頭皮敏感 Sensitive Scalp Treatment



按照客人情況度身訂製療程 詳情請預約頭皮分析檢測 新客人只接受電話📞預約/查詢 93212349 3分鐘了解現況>合適項目>預約日期 頭皮敏感是指頭皮出現過敏反應或不適的症狀。以下是一些常見的頭皮敏感症狀: 1. 痕癢:頭皮痕癢是頭皮敏感的常見症狀之一。可能會感到想要不停地抓搔頭皮。 2. 紅腫或瘀血:頭皮敏感可能會導致頭皮出現紅腫或瘀血的情況。 3. 灼熱感:有些人可能會感到頭皮灼熱或刺痛的感覺。 4. 乾燥或脫屑:頭皮敏感可能導致頭皮乾燥,並出現脫屑現象,如頭屑或皮屑。 5. 油膩:另一些人可能會發現頭皮變得油膩,可能伴隨著頭皮屑。 6. 敏感性增加:頭皮敏感可能會使頭皮對某些物質或產品更加敏感,例如洗髮水、染髮劑或護髮產品。 這些症狀可能由多種原因引起,包括頭皮乾燥、過敏反應、皮膚炎症或其他頭皮問題。如果您遇到頭皮敏感的症狀,建議您尋求自然療髮中心專業的建議,以確定症狀的具體原因並獲得適當的療程處理。 Tailor-made treatments according to client’s condition, for details, please make an appointment for scalp analysis service. New customers only accept appointment/inquiries by phone 📞 93212349 3 minutes phone consultation > Suitability > Make appointment Sensitive Scalp refers to the symptoms of allergic reaction or discomfort on the scalp. Here are some common scalp sensitivity symptoms: 1. Itchy scalp: Itchy scalp is one of the common symptoms of scalp sensitivity. You may feel like scratching your scalp constantly. 2. Redness, swelling or blood bruising: Scalp sensitivity may cause redness, swelling or blood bruising on the scalp. 3. Burning sensation: Some people may experience a burning or stinging sensation on their scalp. 4. Dryness or flaking: Scalp sensitivity may lead to dry scalp and flaking, such as dandruff or dandruff. 5. Oiliness: Others may find that their scalp becomes oily, which may be accompanied by dandruff. 6. Increased sensitivity: Scalp sensitivity may make your scalp more sensitive to certain substances or products, such as shampoo, hair dye, or hair care products. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of reasons, including dry scalp, allergic reactions, skin inflammation, or other scalp issues. If you are experiencing symptoms of scalp sensitivity, it is recommended that you seek professional advice from Natural Hair Recovery Center to determine the specific cause of your symptoms and obtain an appropriate course of treatment.

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