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頭皮清潔Scalp Cleaning



頭皮深層清潔療程對於頭髮和控制脫髮具有多重好處: 1. **去除積累**: 積累的油脂、死皮細胞和造型產品殘留可以阻塞毛囊,導致頭髮生長受阻。定期深層清潔有助於清除這些阻塞,讓毛囊保持開放和健康。 2. **減少頭皮問題**: 頭皮問題,如頭皮屑和皮脂過剩,有時會加劇脫髮。深層清潔有助於控制這些狀態,從而間接有助於減少脫髮。 3. **促進血液循環**: 深層清潔過程中的按摩可以增加頭皮的血液流動,血液帶來必需的營養和氧氣,這對髮根非常重要,有助於促進健康的頭髮生長。 4. **強化髮根**: 通过清除不必要的應力,如毛囊的阻塞和炎症,頭髮根部可以更加強壯,這有助於減少脫髮。 5. **改善髮質**: 清潔後,頭髮能更好地吸收護髮產品中的營養,因此看起來更加健康、亮麗。 定期進行頭皮深層清潔是維持頭髮健康和減少脫髮的重要步驟,尤其是對於使用重型造型產品或有頭皮屑問題的人來說更是如此。 按照客人情況度身訂製療程 詳情請預約頭皮分析檢測 新客人只接受電話📞預約/查詢 93212349 3分鐘了解現況>合適項目>預約日期 Scalp Cleaning Treatment has multiple benefits for your hair and hair loss control: 1. **Remove Accumulation**: Accumulated oil, dead skin cells, and styling product residue can clog hair follicles, causing stunted hair growth. Regular deep cleansing can help remove these blockages and keep hair follicles open and healthy. 2. **Reduce Scalp Problems**: Scalp problems, such as dandruff and excess sebum, can sometimes exacerbate hair loss. Deep cleansing helps control these conditions, which indirectly helps reduce hair loss. 3. **Promote blood circulation**: Massage during deep cleansing can increase blood flow to the scalp. The blood brings necessary nutrients and oxygen, which is very important to the hair roots and helps promote healthy hair growth. 4. **Strengthens hair roots**: By removing unnecessary stress, such as obstruction and inflammation of hair follicles, hair roots can be stronger, which helps reduce hair loss. 5. **Improve hair quality**: After cleansing, your hair can better absorb the nutrients in hair care products, so it looks healthier and brighter. Regular scalp deep cleansing is an important step in maintaining healthy hair and reducing hair loss, especially if you use heavy styling products or have dandruff issues. Tailor-made treatments according to client’s condition, for details, please make an appointment for scalp analysis service. New customers only accept appointment/inquiries by phone 📞 93212349 3 minutes phone consultation > Suitability > Make appointment



1. **去除積累**: 積累的油脂、死皮細胞和造型產品殘留可以阻塞毛囊,導致頭髮生長受阻。定期深層清潔有助於清除這些阻塞,讓毛囊保持開放和健康。

2. **減少頭皮問題**: 頭皮問題,如頭皮屑和皮脂過剩,有時會加劇脫髮。深層清潔有助於控制這些狀態,從而間接有助於減少脫髮。

3. **促進血液循環**: 深層清潔過程中的按摩可以增加頭皮的血液流動,血液帶來必需的營養和氧氣,這對髮根非常重要,有助於促進健康的頭髮生長。

4. **強化髮根**: 通过清除不必要的應力,如毛囊的阻塞和炎症,頭髮根部可以更加強壯,這有助於減少脫髮。

5. **改善髮質**: 清潔後,頭髮能更好地吸收護髮產品中的營養,因此看起來更加健康、亮麗。


新客人只接受電話📞預約/查詢 93212349

Scalp Cleaning Treatment has multiple benefits for your hair and hair loss control:

1. **Remove Accumulation**: Accumulated oil, dead skin cells, and styling product residue can clog hair follicles, causing stunted hair growth. Regular deep cleansing can help remove these blockages and keep hair follicles open and healthy.

2. **Reduce Scalp Problems**: Scalp problems, such as dandruff and excess sebum, can sometimes exacerbate hair loss. Deep cleansing helps control these conditions, which indirectly helps reduce hair loss.

3. **Promote blood circulation**: Massage during deep cleansing can increase blood flow to the scalp. The blood brings necessary nutrients and oxygen, which is very important to the hair roots and helps promote healthy hair growth.

4. **Strengthens hair roots**: By removing unnecessary stress, such as obstruction and inflammation of hair follicles, hair roots can be stronger, which helps reduce hair loss.

5. **Improve hair quality**: After cleansing, your hair can better absorb the nutrients in hair care products, so it looks healthier and brighter.

Regular scalp deep cleansing is an important step in maintaining healthy hair and reducing hair loss, especially if you use heavy styling products or have dandruff issues.
Tailor-made treatments according to client’s condition, for details, please make an appointment for scalp analysis service.
New customers only accept appointment/inquiries by phone 📞 93212349
3 minutes phone consultation > Suitability > Make appointment



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